360 started with Krav Maga at its foundation. It has since grown into something much bigger- a community of people breaking barriers. We aim to cover all aspects of training, hence the name 360. It is a system that is continuously evolving, and uses concepts from boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, wrestling, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, all within the context of self-defense.
We understand the way we train is just as important as what we train. We emphasize our training methodology with the goal to make people better, faster, and safer. We believe learning to fight is the best way to become more confident and thus safer. This is why we emphasize fighting for self-defense.
360 Krav Maga was founded by Alan Predolin, and is run by Alan and Candace Predolin. It is a family business and veteran-owned.
Get To Know Our Instructors
Expert 2
Owner and Chief Instructor
2nd Degree BlackBelt
Owner and Instructor
Black Belt
Black Belt
Alan is from Vicenza, Italy. At the age of 21, he served in a special unit of the Italian Airborne. In 1995 while in Israel, Alan had his first exposure to Krav Maga. In 1996 he moved to the US and joined the US Army, where he was in the 82nd Airborne.
In 1997, he and a partner started the first official Hand to Hand Course in the US Army Airborne Division after attending a Close Combat Instructor Course at The U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (SWCS) .
At the end of 1999, Alan got out of Active Duty and started training Krav Maga full-time in New York. In 2001, Alan attended the Krav Maga Instructor Course under Haim Zut, which was recognized by the Wingate Sports Institute in Israel. Additionally he trained under Haim Zut in Israel for 5 weeks.
In 2003, Alan moved to Los Angeles and started teaching at the Krav Maga Worldwide HQ where he led regular classes as well as Train the Trainer classes for both civilians and Law Enforcement. After a few years teaching at KMW he met Eyal Yanilov, successor of Imi Lichtenfeld – Founder of Krav Maga.
After continuing to train under Eyal, Alan was appointed Director of International Krav Maga Federation North America and then Director of Krav Maga Global North America. Eyal also awarded him the rank of Expert 2.
In 2003 Alan also started teaching in Long Beach, CA and opened 360 Krav Maga Academy.
While in California, Alan expanded and continued his training. He has trained extensively with Marco Ruas, Bas Rutten, and Master Toddy to name a few.
360 Krav Maga has grown into an international organization that provides guidance to other Krav Maga programs. The headquarters remains in Long Beach, CA. Alan continues to teach at HQ as well as around the world.
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